Actually guys we should further investigate how to remove this volume files and spread the work to HTC users.
What is happening as of March 8th 2011, most if not all GSM service providers are launching new service plans to limit our current data usage. Most of this is to prohibit the use ot tethering devices as a modem or use as a Wi-Fi hot spot. I have contacted HTC tech support for information regarding these files. You can do a factory reset( Do not recommend doing this if you have rooted your device.) These files were embedded into all users smart phones with out our knowledge to block lock certain parameters on your service.
If anyone has any insight on how to assess and remove/delete any root, volume or system files on the HTC running Windows 6.5 I would love to know.
Please email me and I will give you my number to text me.
*** Spread the word!! We need to bypass this as soon as possible or our cellphone providers will limit service and charge us between $30-$60 extra a month for the same usage!!