Originally Posted by [ACL]
I think we stopped using the init.android in initrd. If we havent then we need to start including init inside /system. The init.android inside the initrd will be replaced by the recovery version (which is very similar if not almost identical) this way recovery is always possible even if android poops. The initrd automatically checks for init inside system (as it should) so no changes are needed there when moving the correct init inside /system.
Eventually im hoping we can include our work in the xdandroid git. So i can ask stine to create a small project for us in there so we can be officially part of xdandroid. If not, well then we can always just make our own. I'll email him and let yall know. This way to create frx5, all we would need to do is pull the files over the base img and we should be golden.
how does that sound?
Sounds great to me. You're the man