Re: How Would You Rank Windows Phone 7 With The iPhone and Android?
Originally Posted by El Mono
I remember the first time I saw an Android phone - I was a bit underwhelmed. It just lacks a certain finesse/aesthetic. I loved my Diamond (still think it's a great phone). Eventually I gave in, I now have a Galaxy S with 2.2.1 on it and really like the phone.
The iPhone is very nice but I'll "never" get one...
I decided to give WP7 a try. I got the 'Galaxy Esque' Focus. And I love it. I miss certain apps such as Lexicomp and Navigon. But the OS is so polished in some of the aesthetics that it makes Android look sloppy - in my very humble opinion. Everytime I switch back to my Android to update apps I cannot wait to get back to the Focus. For me there is no comparison. Obviously the experts here are more then welcome to disagree. I am looking forward to the updates and added functionality. But it is a nice start, especially for "beta" software.
Just my opinion, that is all.
El Mono
i'm glad u like ur device ..   positive input is always welcomed in my book thanks for sharing ..
slappin the thanks button
Last edited by rrjskj; 03-10-2011 at 06:12 PM.