Originally Posted by natemcnutty
I think you are getting the terms mixed up. You can partition the SD card to have ext2 partitions which the init script is set up to recognize. If it finds the right partition layout, it will natively write to the sd card rather than creating a data.img.
If you don't partition the sd card and just leave it formatted as FAT32, the data.img by default is in ext2 as you can see from the code: init - eclair-rootfs in XDANDROID Eclair - Gitorious
If you want it to actually say data.ext2, you can just change the extension and update the if statement to check for data.ext2 instead of data.img, but it won't affect performance or change the way it works.
Thanks for bringing this thread back up too. I almost forgot to get it updated! Maybe I'll have some free time tomorrow when I get home from work 
thanks nate.
what i want to do is this.
a already created a fat32 and ext2 partition on my sd card. so i have 2 partition.
fat32 for my android stuff (system.ext2,roofts etc....)
ext2 for the data.img only. i want linux to create the data.img inside the ext2 partition. i know the data.img is usually created and locate it in the anboot folder. i want the data.img to be locate it inside the ext2 partition.
i dont know if i making any sense.
thanks man