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Old 03-10-2011, 12:18 AM
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Re: Energy.RhodCdma.29007.Sense2.5.Co0kie2.0.Mar.06

QUICK REVIEW: Energy.RhodCdma.29007.Sense2.5.Co0kie2.0.Mar.06

Good battery life. Was laggy right after flash, but is now snappy. Though I used Carrier Provisioning, and did not use any tweaking program, I still have trouble answering incoming calls, which I fixed with the "SuspendResume #777" fix. Co0kie 2.0 is just completely annoying, as my quick links are still just moving around as they please. Then I got this strange, lone widget that was just hanging out on my homescreen, even though I didn't put it there. My homescreen freezes every now & then, I toggle the display to get it to respond again. Here's my setup:

Radio: 2.32.00WF
No Overclock
Weather Animation disabled
Clock Flip Disabled
Panel (Quick Menu) Enabled
190 Contacts
283 Appointments
8 email accts syncing 1x/day
MS My Phone syncing 1x/day
Disabled home tabs (Stocks, Call History, People, Music, Internet)
Data Disconnecting after 30 secs inactivity
Programs: None installed, but running via links to my SD card
Currently: T-Mo myTouch4g running 0.0's CM10 JellyBean Desire S port
Formerly: Sprint HTC TP2 - ROM: Energy.RhodCdma.21916.Titanium.Apr.26 - Radio: 2.32.00WU - OC'd @ 729 mHz

Last edited by akeaw3000; 03-10-2011 at 12:28 AM.
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