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Old 03-09-2011, 07:23 PM
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Re: Radioshack employee Plan work on htc 7 pro?

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
its funny how only u SERO pundits complain about this. i dont have SERO and ill be paying almost 2x more after taxes than what u'd be paying if u got this currently unemployed collecting unemployment (gettin jus a lil less than $200 bi weekly) and am also attending school so its not a big deal for me it will not be outdated for at least a year after its release due to the way wp7 is structured it doesnt need mockingbird or protegra processors to run smoothly.
Why do we complain about these extra fees? It is that we are not foolish enough to give up such a huge discount. For example, I pay approximately $37.00/month for two lines and 1400 minutes with my Free & Clear family plan, I have unlimited text/roaming/internet on both lines. So my yearly cost of my two Sprint lines is about $444, if I wanted the same services with todays plans and newer phones I would be paying about $129/month for two lines, thats $1,548 to operate two lines is 1 year!

I am thankful enough to be employed and I would rather save the $1,104 then spending it on my phone carrier...

Anyways my point is if they wanna charge me an extra $10-20 a month for a newer phone I'd rather just stay with my plan
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