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Old 03-09-2011, 04:42 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
Why would it ask which launcher you want to use? It almost sounds like you have an old NBH that used an old init which loaded up your data.img from the sdcard or something weird.

If you install Lmillers updates istead of the one on the OP you have a choice of awd launcher, and it pops up on first boot.

I have tried both builds, at least 3 times each, task29 everytime,
I even flashed winmo back on and then task29, flashed nbh,
wireless just says obtaining ip then disconnects over and over.

Me and a buch of others had the axact same wifi problem with one of tiad8's releases
even though he didnt have the issue, but he was able to fix it in his 03/06 release.

Anywho ill wait someone will think of something.

I have an optimus s running 2.2 but I cant stand the phone
i'm hoping someone gets the TP2 closer to prime time
before I smack the Optimus in the wall !
If I was any help please hit thanks, my goal is one billion Reputation points, for a free trip to Sparta!
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