Originally Posted by latinlover515
thanks GTEN.. so in otherword your saying that using the restore feature on clockwork should not moddifed permanently the stock ROM that iam using. so that means that everytime that i do a factory reset the phone should go back 100% to stock ROM like if i had never used restore before right? or is there a way to harm the stock ROM that iam using by using the wrong restore option on clockwork? iam only asking becuase there several ways. there is back up restore then the advance one that just just told me. i dont know what difference will it be restoring from just restore and going to just adavance ...
Ok so for me to just restore my apps and settings on the adance restore I only have to restore DATA right? bcuz i see like 4 different option like boot sytem data and i forgat the other ones.. i dont know if i need to restore another one from tthat list.... and what is thios other cache in there. davilk o david how ever its ever its called. what is that for?
Well thats assuming that you are always sticking to stock yes..if you say flash a custom rom..then do a factory reset..you wont go back to stock...