I've been running 2.10 Neodium with Sense for a couple of weeks now (after all but giving up on Sense and not using it since November). Kudos to Vin !
I do have a few random issues, not sure if they are ROM specific but I don't recall having them on Sprint native ROM. This is not a critique of Vin's work - there's far more things that are right with it; just some issues that I hope may have an easy fix...
Vin, please include MS DST fix patch in every ROM ! This is a must-have for anybody who syncs their calendar to Google Cal or Outlook. Unless you like your appointments on a wrong date, that is...
- I am almost 100% sure Sprint ROM had voicemail notification in calendar widget. This was very useful. Doesn't seem to be included in the version of Sense in this ROM.
- I am having problem with alarm notifications not being deleted when I change time. E.g. if I have the daily alarm set at 6:15 and then change it to 6:25 the phone rings at both times every day. I have to manually delete notifications. Using stock alarm application.
- Every now and then, the taskbar has issues. E.g. the "OK" button shows thorough HTC TaskManager dropdown triangle, or the taskbar freezes alltogether. I am curious if it has anything to do with TaskMan. Besides, more often than not, it fails to close the program with "X" button in the taskbar. I don't know how large of a memory footprint it has, perhaps it would make sense to use QuickMenu instead ?
- The ROM isn't being released too well - this is probably Sense issue. I start with over 100MB, drop down to 85 rather quickly which is to be expected, but if I run some memory intensive apps it drops to 70-75 and stays there until reset. Running SK Tools' FreeUpMem doesn't do much. Still, a far cry from 30-35 MB with stock Sense.
- If I reset the device with audio jack attached, there's no sound after reboot. The only way to get it back is to remove the jack and reset again.
- The volume control doesn't go away after setting the volume, I have to tap the end key to make it disappear.
- Finally, the default folder icons are sort of hard to recognize, especially in the car. They are all the same, large folders with tiny pics at the bottom. Would really help if they could be made all different and easily recognizable. I attached an example of what I used but I'm sure there are better icons somewhere else.
Otherwise this ROM is great !