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Old 03-09-2011, 10:19 AM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete Froyo Bundle!!** FRX05 - "Stable" - Camera!

Originally Posted by khronix View Post
Lol i guess let me add in what ive tried already.

Fresh reinstall
delete data.img so it will create a new one
formatted SD card
Kernel 1258? forget the exact number

maybe i'm forced to stick with winmo... o the horror
Hrm. I guess try a newer kernel, don't think that'll have any effect on it.

So you copy the bundle, and on the first boot you get that error when trying settings?

Might be good to note, on a first boot I let the system sit and collect itself... there's a lot going on at first boot, especially right at the beginning. Some people reboot and don't even deal with the "first boot slowness", but I find if you let it sit for 5-10mins, it's just fine. Usually less even, if you just let the phone sit and go into deep sleep by itself, no problems (for me, at least ).

Originally Posted by ndno View Post
Just a quick status on my android usage: I switched back to overclocking to 710mhz this morning and it's running great. What I did was backup everything on my SD card, format it and then copied everything back, including my existing data.img. Also another thing I did was not using any taskiller apps; I just let android do its own house cleaning. So far so good. I was getting SODs randomly recently and thought maybe it was due to using my SD card for a long time without formatting... I hope this is the case. I haven't been back to winmo for the last 2 weeks. I pretty much been using all kinds of apps.
SoD's are almost certainly RIL related. I've been told that if you disable data, they disappear. Some have been able to consistently recreate the SoD condition, basically by being in a bad service area.

I'm usually in the same places (good service areas) and I haven't had a true SoD in months. Went on vaca this last week, and I actually had one, driving thru a canyon. So there seems to be some truth to this - I didn't try disabling data. If you have a spot that seems to cause a lot of SoD's, try that out. Disabling data is no fun, but if you know there's a place the phone likes to die in try it out!

I'm seriously hoping to talk to WisTilt2 soon. He said his radio guy would have a RIL to test with sometime this week...