Originally Posted by slypher
PIE is unusable, locks up everytime.
When voice dialing, i no longer get an audible confirmation.
For now i'm going back to the first 3.3 ROM
I like the goodies that you put in, i just need the essentials to work too.
Thanks for all your hard work colonel!
Strange this that I didn't touch IE or anything to do with it. One thing, is it locking when you are viewing in single column mode? I have this happen when I try to view this site's desktop version in single column. I also had the same issue when I tried to view my Yahoo Fantasy Football page and that was with the official Sprint rom. I think it may be more of an issue of IE not being able to handle some pages in single column view. Let me know if this is what is/was happening for you or what pages you were viewing when it locked up so I can try to reproduce your problems.