Well I just got of the phone with samsung and they said they were restricted from giving me info on known issues and that they are making a new update to fix these issues I just hope its sometime soon instead of a long wait like this 2.2 update. Sucks balls but I guess they are gona correct it so I can't wait bc I been having crap signal data problems and texting acts like it doesn't want to send and tapatalk makes me always have to enter in my info everytimet use it which I didn't on evo so idk I feel like I left evo with no problems for a better phone with problems I'm just wondering if the roms out there have these problems fixed or its the same. Well just some info for u guys maybe I can here some input on this situation thank u
Sent from my SPH-D700-EPIC-using Tapatalk
Sammy Galaxy NEXUS(Sprint)-
Rom: Stock as hell non-rooted knocking shit down
Radio: Stock i guess idk hehe
Kernel: Stock and loven it
I envy the dumb ones.