Thread: got a question
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Old 03-08-2011, 05:49 PM
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Re: got a question

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
Well that's not the difference here. The SD card isn't like a USB connection - it's just as fast as the NAND, if not faster (depending on the card) in fact... So you won't get any speed boost whatsoever from NAND. Sorry, apples & oranges is what you're comparing.
Oh . well i apologize for being ignorant . i was just thinking quickly in my head not really doing any research . Sorry :/
Of course it won't be like picking up an Evo or an Epic - look at the hardware specs! Just because the Android port is complete doesn't mean it's going to run like those phones...

If you're going to compare to native Android hardware, at least be fair - compare it to the G1, or the Hero. Look at processor, RAM and screen res specs - when we're "done", it should run comparable to those devices. Evo and Epic are not really fair comparisons, as their hardware is soooo much newer/faster/better!
Fair enough . again i wasnt really trying to argue or say your wrong . i was just trying to expand my knowledge .

It's more likely that android will be finished one day than it is for ppcgeeks to put a moron button right next to the thanks button. Personally, I'm in love with both ideas. Juzt bee payshunt and reed, n u can haz ur androy'd.
Only reason im starting to like android is cause of all the apps and devolopment people are doing for it . feels as if winMo is a dying bread i really do love my TP2 with WinMo on it :/
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