Originally Posted by gTen
it will effectively wipe your user data and apps..if you load a custom rom for exampe..it wont take you to stock.it will take you to how the rom was when you initially installed it...
so if you restore data only via advanced restore via clockwork...then it will wipe that restored data yes...if you restore the entire rom.then it will just clear the data and apps of that flashed rom..it wont return you to previous rom.
I guess iam not explaining my self clear.. i guess my main question is. lets say that I flahedmy phone with totally stock ROM . ok i downloaded and installed over 50 apps (as an example.) and now i want to create a backup on clockwork.. so eventually i go to clockwork and crate a back up into my SD card.. now after the backup its made my phone boost normal into the desktop. and of coarse i seee all my installed apps and all my settings are there. now just to make sure that my backup work ill do a factory reset on the phone wich I undeerstand from the begining that this will delete or i should say erase all my personal data like contacts and settings (even the 50 apps that I iinstalled...) ok now aster factory reset Ill go back to clock work and do restore and after restore is complete my phone will reboot as normal. and once its on my desk op i see that all my apps and settings are back to nomal.. OK here is my main question out of this whole topic.. OK now i want to do another factory rese OK factory reset for the second time has been done again... MAIN QUESTION >>>> after i do the second factory reset of coarse right after using RESTORE on CLOCKWORK MOD will my stock ROM will fully reset to factory reset like if had never used the RESTORE on CLOCKWORK? Or after you used RESTORE the stock ROM will never return to be the same doing a FACTORY RESET as it was before using RESTORE? iam asking because this restoring thing could be like flashing a phone so maybe the stock ROM or what ever ROM you are using it could never be the same after RESTOREING on CLOCKWORK... Iam trying to be as clear possible. that way I explaind the things that i had donde or that i want to do to be sure that iiam doing the right thing... By the way where is that ADVANCE RESTORE that you are talking about??