Originally Posted by latinlover515
ok but what about if i just do a facory reset after i used the restored that i did on the phone using restore on clock work. if i factory reset willl the phone fully reset to factory stock settings or i will not longer get the stocks settings since the restore moddified the stock ROM that I was using before I restore with clockwork? meaning doing a factory reset and go back to stock setting like if i had never used this clockwork thingy. like i said before this is a confusing question but iam trying to make my self as clear as possible. and by the way thanks for your reply GTEN..
it will effectively wipe your user data and apps..if you load a custom rom for exampe..it wont take you to stock.it will take you to how the rom was when you initially installed it...
so if you restore data only via advanced restore via clockwork...then it will wipe that restored data yes...if you restore the entire rom.then it will just clear the data and apps of that flashed rom..it wont return you to previous rom.