Originally Posted by aman1127
If its 3D I doubt its running Qualcomm because as far as we know, nothing adreno is capable of that. Could it ne the dual core 1.5 ghz beast we have been waiting for?
Only tegra and vr blah blah right now can do it. However HTC and Qualcomm have a love affair.
I'll be happy with atrix specs and an amoled screen. And a nicer cam. With ARM9 power management.
Cooler than your EVO
I thought the tegra 2.5 3d is 1.2ghz :/..Tegra 3 is the 1.5ghz and quad core...
They may end up using a custom component for the 3d displaying oreo...
But considering Atrix is already out and end of the year will have Quad core tegra phones...it has to be at least something competitive for the time :/
Originally Posted by lkillen
they say the race horse is bred out. If you put their speeds on a graph, the slope was steep from 1900 until sometime in the 70's and then flattened out to the point where it is nearly flatline. We have made the best horse we can make.
The same goes for technology. There is a ramp of newness and then it plateaus but eventually it goes flatline and then the technology becomes very cheap.
The modem went from coupler to 1200 to 9600 and eventually to 56K where it sits today. Broadband access was still 5 years away. Laptops, once dual core have changed little over the last 5 years. The price has nose-dived.
Smartpphones may be nearing that stage of evolution where all the BIG enhancements are there and now it is a matter of refinement. Better camera, more rugged, a few more bells & whistles but we may be looking at the best phone to come for some time.
Considering the specs..to get a good experience for what current Android is probably places:
800mhz on processor
Adreno 205
aka a 2nd gen processor is what I would put as a decent experience on Android for WVGA resolution.
Now if resolution goes up to 720p for example..it would definitely require more processing..not to mention multiple cores are definitely needed to make multitasking smoother..or aka background processors..Then there is the new GPU tech that allows you to run Adobe Flash and other stuff 100% on the GPU and hardware acceleration.
Of course we expect Android to improve and take a bigger step..similar to how Windows 7 is much more hardware intensive then say XP...
Aka Hardware has definitely not reached its limit just yet..but we are getting there..