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Old 03-07-2011, 11:13 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete Froyo Bundle!!** FRX05 - "Stable" - Camera!

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
No offense, but this has nothing to do with the SoD issue. It's almost certainly service related, some have narrowed it down to the difference between 3g and 2g data - and switching between these modes frequently exacerbates the SoD problem. So that explains why those with old Airaves that only do 2g (1x) data were constantly getting SoD's. If you disable data completely, I've heard the SoD issue is gone. The RIL is being rewritten as we speak, hoping to have a test on that soon!
no offense whatsoever! i'm still new to this so i just wanted to share my observation, but it's good to know what the true culprit is and that there's hopefully a fix coming soon. great job on all of this by the way, talk about breathing new life into old hardware, eh? nothing can beat the keyboard on the TP2, which is the only reason i haven't ponied up for a used incredible, since i'm stuck on my contract still. =)