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Old 03-07-2011, 06:17 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete Froyo Bundle!!** FRX05 - "Stable" - Camera!

Originally Posted by tomc585 View Post
So i should use the bundle to get the camera working? Can i do that and then use my saved data.img file?
Originally Posted by tomc585 View Post
just updated with the system.ext2
You can in theory - but you also need to update your kernel. Simply updating the system.ext2 is only one piece of the puzzle - the userland piece. You need to match the kernel piece up with it, and it should work fine .

You can do what was suggested in the above post, but it's not necessary. Simply grab the latest kernel from the autobuild service (directions in the first post) and you should be good to go.

If you do have issues and need to delete your data.img, the steps above will help ease that pain.

Originally Posted by pchoi94 View Post
I noticed something regarding SOD. I was running the stock FRX04 bundle for a week or two without any SOD, and when I switched to FRX05 i started getting the SOD (i had to look up what SOD meant as I'm new to all this, ).

What I noticed is that as soon as I switched from the standard lock screen to the pattern lock screen, I haven't gotten an SOD yet (knock on wood). I had been running FRX04 with the pattern lock screen, and when I switched over I hadn't yet turned that feature on.

Hope this helps anyone out there who is having this issue, if indeed this is a workaround. I'll post back if I ever get the SOD again. It may have been discussed in other threads, but I didn't see it in this one and I'm still new to all this. Plus this site is god awful slow for some reason, so it's a pain to try to go back and search previous threads!
No offense, but this has nothing to do with the SoD issue. It's almost certainly service related, some have narrowed it down to the difference between 3g and 2g data - and switching between these modes frequently exacerbates the SoD problem. So that explains why those with old Airaves that only do 2g (1x) data were constantly getting SoD's. If you disable data completely, I've heard the SoD issue is gone. The RIL is being rewritten as we speak, hoping to have a test on that soon!

Last edited by arrrghhh; 03-07-2011 at 06:20 PM.
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