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Old 03-06-2011, 07:55 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete Froyo Bundle!!** FRX05 - "Stable" - Camera!

No bro, really im not frustrated at all, but like u i guess is the kernel, i try that last kernel i guess its 1276 with the frx04 and same problem, and if you install the build using that kernel, there is not much to do, just clean your sd card with hp format tool, and start all over again, but i try the GB and see that the landscape bug is solve! that is good, little progress achives big things at the end.. maybe i just wait for other kernel, the cam is not a big thing for me, im a photographer so always have a nikon with me anyway, but man you are a real master in these android builds bro! thx for the tip, i will keep reading to see if i can find a fix for this problem... thx man... keep the good work