Originally Posted by negamann
Boost right?
How's the battery going in 3.3_rc5? I switched over to a sprint 1%. It was currently a verizon one
from Kris:
Boost for me.
The battery seems to go down faster with this rom
"Kitchen Rom - WP7 - 3.3_rc5_SPCS.exe"
--->>>but that may have simply been because I was playing with it a lot - I normally don't play much!
Up and reading 83% on a batt that was new the night before for maybe a half hour. But jury is still out on bat use...
But really liking this rom because it's fast and works!!! EDIT: the only things I have "had" to add were Operamini 5.1 (and link) and googlemaps. Extremely minor. And it's easy to get around in!!!
It's a keeper!!! I can see you've put a ton of work into it. My flashing experience isn't vast - maybe a couple of Energy roms and the like, but I love this. (previously, I was back to a stock 6.5 and either iphonetoday and no sense, or CHT2.0 (playing) (I like this better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )