Originally Posted by akeaw3000
No (at least for me) this doesn't happen directly out of the box, but that's the point. It seems (I could be wrong) that a program (i.e. Advanced Configuration) is modifying a registry value that is causing the call-answering & other connection issues. Now it IS happening for me before I install anything else. I know for me, when I change that "SuspendResume" entry to #777, my issues go away. Sooo, does that mean we need to fix the program or not use it?
I have never had that Adv Config app change the suspend registry entry without directly modifying it. The only time that happened for me was when I tried to work on the BT hangup issue. Then again I stopped using that app since I automate all my settings via XDA_UC/S4X so I've never had to mess with it since. Also note that AdvCfg is no longer being maintained (last touched 2 years ago), so getting it "fixed" probably is not happening. Personally I would suggest not using it unless you absolutely need it for something you cannot create a REG file for yourself.
As for putting this item in the wiki... the suspend issue is a general item and NOT Energy ROM related. We'll have to see if Teradog thinks this is something for the wiki - which we are trying to keep it to specific Energy ROM related topics these days. It's a fine line sometimes...