Originally Posted by Guerralenta
Im having a problem, with the frx004 have no problems but no cam, now with this frx005 have cam and thats great but every time my phone gets to sleeps have no signal when waking up, need like a minute or two to have signal again... any way to resolve this?
This doesn't happen to me at all, are you on a GSM phone? I've seen some reports of this, and I'm thinking it's a bug unique to GSM devices... Might need some logs, not even sure which ones. dmesg and logcat are always a good place to start tho
Also, is it FRX05 or the newer kernel...? To test, go back to kernel 1253 on FRX05 (cam won't work, I know) and see if you have the same service issue.
Originally Posted by hammester
I am having a problem with the USAA mobile app. I am trying to deposit a check and I get an error saying that I need to enable location from settings. I have my phone set to get my location from the network and from GPS. Google maps finds my location perfectly. Any ideas?
Sent from my TP2 using Tapatalk
I got that error too - network location doesn't work on CDMA (appears you are on Sprint) so that is moot.
You need to have a solid GPS lock that carries over to the USAA app. So as soon as you get a GPS lock in maps, go over to the USAA app. This worked for me. USAA is freakin awesome btw