Nice catch! I'm testing what you said out right now.
There is a stock messaging pages cab in the 2nd post. Try that to get rid of the shark messaging pages mod.
I'll report back in a bit with my findings on your issue.
Edit: So I get the same thing. In the shark messaging pages mod there is the file from CHT for the CHT messaging widgets. This must be what's causing the issue. I'll try removing that file and see if that works.
Thanks again for pointing this out!
Don't forget about the stock messaging pages cab. Let me know if that works for you...
Edit 2: So removing that file from that cab allows for both cabs to be uninstalled in any order. I'll leave it like that so that there's no headache for anyone. Anyone who like the mod and wants it on the CHT widgets as well can just download the stand alone cabs in the 2nd post. Thanks again!
Originally Posted by slthomas00
- Possible feature request, without Cookies installed - you have "missed calls/call log" next to the date above the calendar. In the event of voicemail - are you able to show the number of voicemails instead of missed calls so I could hit that go right to voicemail?
Is it possible? Of course. Do I know how to do it easily? Nope, but I'll look into it!