Originally Posted by NRGZ28
SO.. sup ? I havent been in this thread for a while. Anything I can do to the ROM to improve it ?
@NRGZ. Thanks again for your continued work on your WinMo Roms!
Some of my items were covered by posts from other great users in this community. My additional comments are as follows...
Originally Posted by NinjaDuck
- Sometimes when you turn the screen on, the home screen does not load correctly. Simply turning the display off and back on again seems to fix it.
- Memory drains and when it gets too low, the GPS hangs until reboot (Bing).
@NRGZ: ND's first issue is slightly similar to another issue I've had since 29007 (even on the current Feb.27 28xxx ROMs). During boot up it hangs on the HTC Sense loading screen due to the ordering of the startup lnk's. If I reorder them using SKTOOLS... eg, I put arkswitch.lnk last then the home page comes up. Otherwise, I have to power off/on the screen to get the home page to paint.
Can you look in to a slight reorder or add in a minor delay (which I did see some attempt in your mortscript front end to it) in arkswitch loading? I have this happen on at least a half dozen devices on each reboot. Note that the only 3 things that get added in to my startup up are winmospeed, s2u2, and quick menu lnk shortcut - so no real surprises for me.
His 2nd item is, IMHO, likely due to the 28xxx build as Bing binaries have not changed in more than 6 months.
Originally Posted by NRGZ28
I just made the Sprint provisioning cab the default provisioning for the ROM out of the box from now on. I obviously have no way to test it as I have a Sprint TP2 with no service on it... but maybe you guys can send me feedback on that the next time a ROM is released 
Sprint default provisioning, in general works fine for me, and the half dozen or so sprint/boost TP2s I help maintain.
However, I made an update to your energy_sprint.cab. The current sprint provisioning updates the send/receive MMS limit to 5gb for the sprint servers themselves, but did not update the Arcsoft UI limit - which is set to a 1mb max. In this post, I updated the Arcsoft registry entries to 5mb and requested if it could be placed in future ROMs:
Post: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/2041299-post29976.html
Originally Posted by NRGZ28
My ROMs use custom fonts. You have to revert to the stock fonts BEFORE you start messing with fonts. Most font changing apps dont take into account custom fonts. Hell, most chefs dont change the fonts in the ROM.. I happen to do that. 
AHHH. That explains it.... It would be cool if you could have the FAQ maintainers for each of your ROMs (GSM RHOD, Leo, and ours - which I can work with teradog on), to list this fact for those of us who try to use KDFONT. That tidbit of information should help us greatly.
Other items for me:
1. Outlook contacts "red" menu options is still there, which existed since Jan 29007 ROMs. The folks in the Leo or GSM RHOD XDA forums listed a quick fix / cabs for the png files to fix it.
2. I posted about an update to your alternative start menu handling... please see if any of this could be usable for the ROM:
3. Bluetooth. Personally I think the problem exists even on stock Sprint ROMs. If you have a Verizon TP2, it would be curious to see if you can validate it on stock roms as well:
Supposedly Verizon MR3 (or maybe MR2) claims to have fixed this, and it would interesting to see if we can figure out what we need to do to get it in the general CDMA ROM.
Also, I sent a PM a while back. If you do not have BT headset, please PM me and I have brand new Nokia BT900 series I (unopened) I can let you have for your personal/testing needs.
4. CHT185.
FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND GREAT: please release Feb.27 with CHT1.8.5 or allow your auto build to create them on your next release. PRETTY PLEASE. CHT2000 is still too buggy IMHO.
The friggin quick link random reordering and CHTE command line import bugs, even though it's been posted numerous times in their appropriate threads on XDA since Nov 2010... have STILL not be even ack'd by the devs. And those issues are absolutely annoying for a bunch of us.
5. For me 28xxx is fine for my needs. But everyone's setup is different, so I'm sure I and my users are probably not taxing things as hard as other users are.
6. Once DFT is back up and available, do you think you'll try out any of the purported 290xx newer releases or just stick with 28xxx since you mentioned all that you plan to do now are tweaks and app updates?
7. Your tweet about Android on CDMA Rhods... teradog did a great job on providing some info. I run it on a dedicated Sprint TP2 test unit and development is VERY active on XDA. Great bunch of folks working on it for us. BT is the only thing not working that keeps me from running it full time on my primary device.
Again, thank you for your time and effort you still invest in your WinMo ROMs! We know there are a lot of other things that pull you in many directions.