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Old 03-04-2011, 05:33 PM
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Re: How Would You Rank Windows Phone 7 With The iPhone and Android?

Honestly it's not fair to compare WP7 at its current state, or even after the Mango update, with Android and iOS.

I have and use all operating systems and I really like all three.

I would not buy a WP7 phone right now over an iPhone 5 (coming soon) or an Android device, it is just too limited as far as apps and functionability go.

Don't get me wrong I love running WP7 on my phone, but in a couple of years when it is more polished I think would be the best time to get a WP7 phone, I could not, in good conscience, recommend someone spend a 2 yr upgrade and some cash on an OS that is still beta stages and will be so until a couple of years from now.

After the Mango update (NoDo doesn't really excite me) it will be really nice, more apps, multi-tasking, so maybe I could even see it for some people, but for right now and the foreseeable future I'd go Android or iPhone 5.

I actually rank them in this order.

Android 2.2+ > iOS4.3 > Windows Phone 7 > webOS > RIM > everything else.

as to your specific points,

WP7 does not and probably never will be able to be used as WP6.x and Android are, where you can mount an external drive (like a flash drive) or easily modify files or anything. It is actually more locked down that iOS is and the only reason you'd go for WP7 is because you're on Spring or Tmobile, or you want the bigger tiles and facebook integration with the cool transition animates and fluidity of WP7,

functionally speaking it lacks things that iOS and Android have out of the box such as tethering.