Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; Opera Mini/5.1.21594/23.390; U; en) Presto/2.5.25 Version/10.54)
with the death of windows mobile , cdma launch of wp7 , and the iphone coming to verizon it opens alot of options for people like me who are due for an upgrade . Besides the lag and freezes i thoroughly enjoyed the freedom i had with Windows Mobile being able to download music on the go in rar files / zip files and everything and update my library on the go all without the use of a computer and being able to use my phone in mass storage mode on computers and things i know at the moment wp7 is limited in comparison and there are other platforms out there but im primarily interested in wp 7 .
But i was wondering with the promising upgrades coming and your experience with wp7 thus far how would u rank wp 7 iphone and android ? what are the pros and cons of each platform in comparison to each other ?
im 90 % confident im upgrading to wp 7 but i would like to hear more input from people who have used the other platforms
Last edited by deadwrong03; 03-04-2011 at 04:20 PM.