Originally Posted by krazydude
specs for the new 21916 titanium
using stock page pool (what vin cooked in) so i cannot comment on speeds with other page pools
what i have is pretty smooth here 
101mb ram on 1st boot
78-80 mb ram with all my stuff loaded incl spb and droid pro+
android ( http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/tp2-androi...ml#post2063878) not working too well here in India unfortunately...not getting very good network on GSM...any ideas if its a radio issue? the same radio in WM gives me 7 bars while in android gives me one...any help?
Thanks Vin for a superb base rom 
your verizon (cdma) but actually using GSM network. the startup script forces cdma (you can change that---look in the android thread). so while there is a better gsm signal where you are (and the phone in global mode tries finding the best signal) android is forcing cdma (the weaker signal) only:
for cdma & gsm devices make sure you have this command on your startup for data. force_cdma=1. for gsm devices is force_cdma=0
start WM, open file explorer and direct to the version of android you're using.
open starup.txt and look for force_cdma=1 and change the value to 0
restart android and see if your signal increases. if you go back to a cdma area, change the value back to 1