Originally Posted by GernerPSU
Ever since I flashed Feb 19th, my data stopped working. Are there any steps out there to reset the data provisioning or whatever I have to do?
Originally Posted by akeaw3000
Not really sure, but I would try:
1. Run Carrier Provisioning
2. Update Profile & PRL
3. Run AutoData Config (I have absolutely no idea what this does... it does nothing on my phone, but sounds like it might help) "Settings" home tab > "Other" Miscellaneous settings > AutoData Config
4. If all else fails, task29, flash stock ROM, reflash, & wipe.
This happens to me every time I use NRGZ provisioning cab. Before you reflash try this. Go to:
Start>settings>connections>connection(again,not a typo), click on "manage existing connections" and you should get a screen like the one posted here. Make sure "auto pick" is selected and hit OK. It should work now.
I don't know why, but for me its always set to " phone as modem" after I provision. Hope this fixes it for you.
Also its not hard to add a new connection if needs be, but I won't go into that unless its needed.