Hi, since few years ago, in Mexico some people have purchased and programmed manually CDMA devices (mainly Sprint and verizon devices), to use it in Iusacell`s CDMA network (Mexico); from HTC Apaches, Moguls, Diamonds TPs, TP2s, Evos, Epics...
I only want to find some information to programming WP7 CDMA devices like the HTC Arrive. In WP7 CDMA devices is there something like EPST? Anyone has tried to find the SPC code with existing tools in WP7? Is possible to connect these devices to a PC and use tools like QPST?
..wait!, now that I think about it, the HTC Arrive seems to be the first Windows Phone 7 CDMA-based device ..then maybe this is something premature

Any information?
Thanks in advance !!