Originally Posted by binht611
i found that somebody have brobleam when running CDMA TP2 device on GSM network like me. it is no sign when screen off ! I tried so much startup config, kernel, roof, build and reformat sd card but can't fix this probleam. I don't have this probleam with 1253 and before kernel. Can you attention to this probleam???
sorry because my english is very bad i hope everyboby understand me!!!
binht611, please don't take this the wrong way, but this thread is for responses to a test kernel, NOT a troubleshooting help thread. You're best bet is to post in the thread of the build you're trying to set up. If it's FRX04 post there, if it's one of Tiad's then post in the appropriate thread for that build. You've got a better chance of getting assistance in the thread of the build you're running than here.