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Old 03-01-2011, 06:55 PM
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Re: ROM questions and cooking

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
In all honesty, this is not a question that can be answered in one post or one thread even. As I'm sure you well know, many things can make or break ROM stability. One being what WM build your using. Is it known to be one of the better builds or one that has bugs.

One good rule of thumb that's helped me out a lot is, The less in \Windows, The better! The less you have in \Windows the faster and more stable your ROM will be.
Thanks sharkie ! when i was a nooooooooooooooooob . your rom was the one i flashed first ! i remember talking to you over at mobileunderground lol .

And thanks for that rule of thumb . but im pretty sure my phone is being gay .. i cant get over then 659 on stock ROM . or anyone elses .. i used to be overclocked at 729 on most ROMs . even at 748 at times ... then when i got this phone .. on friday ,, as a replacement .. it crashes when simply using the hardware keyboard . i have an idea to get it replaced again .. because i dont like how i cant even overclock .. thats lame .
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