Originally Posted by Sharkie405
I thought they were just slightly transparent images, so that any background would show through... Is that not possible?
@ ModMyPPC,
Just as an FYI, I finally let me phone die to the point that it turned off yesterday and I plugged it up and it didn't turn on until about 15 min. later when I turned it on. It turned on and kept charging like it should. I'm still at a loss as to what was going on with your charging.
Did you ever try uninstalling nueBattery2? I didn't see a response to that suggestion, unless I just missed it.
I reflashed and it fixed the problem.
Rom is still running great sharkie.
Originally Posted by mcluvntheboss
Its possible to make them trans but when you do that it makes it look ugly because you can see the messege under it.
I know you mentioned this on your thread However im curious if the problem is the texts in the back is there anyway we can make those transparent as well.
There must be a way...
And great work mcluvin!