Originally Posted by natemcnutty
I get 64 MB by this:
0x04000000 (base 16) = 67,108,864 (base 10)
67,108,864 (bytes) / 1024 = 65,536 (kb) / 1024 = 64 (MB)
The kernel and tinboot code only occupy the first 6 MB or so of NAND. I think we could safely shrink the starting point to 16 MB without any fear of overwriting stuff. How does this look:
0x20000000@0x0(nand) - 512 MB total
0x00800000@0x01000000(root) - 8 MB of space
0x0A000000@0x01800000(system) - 160 MB of space
0x14800000@0x0B800000(userdata) - 328 MB of space
I think 160 MB might be a bit much for system, but that does give the chefs a lot of space to work with. 328 MB for user data will really be 310 MB of usable space since we are eating up 18 MB with modules.
Ok that makes sense thanks for the explanation!
Did you mean to start your root at 0x0100000 and not 0x01000000?
Just checking.
Also lets just set to root 5MB for now. That way ACL can commit.
If need be the cookers can always just hex the size.
This is what I have now:
0x20000000@0x0(nand) - 512 MB total
0x500000@0x100000(root) - 5 MB of space
0xA000000@0x600000(system) - 160 MB of space
0x14B00000@0xA600000(userdata) - 331 MB of space
Unused: 100000 - .95 MB
Again I didn't test these...