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Old 03-01-2011, 11:51 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

Originally Posted by Lmiller1708 View Post
I put together a Spreadsheet for figuring out NAND, only change the values in RED. See Attached

So here is what we currently have:
This is with root set to 5MB, This would give the system 143 MB and Data 300MB:
Again maybe we can change the starting point to a smaller value other then 4000000... But it's only 3.8MB of space... Maybe this is where the Kernal is kept which it 3.6MB currently...
I'll look at this in a bit when I get in, but quick comment on it starting at 0x4000000. That is actually 64 MB into the NAND, and we certainly don't need that much space. Also, what exactly is the point of the root partition since I don't think we are using it? I'm really curious what its purpose is supposed to be
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