Originally Posted by [ACL]
Sounds good .. lets see what u got. I talked to stine on fri but he had nothing to say. I'm really drifting away from the kernel development so i need to tend to it right away. I'll try to commit the KB detection tonight but i'll prob wait until i see your changes.
I'm thinking of commiting the sysinit.rc to a new branch since that is pretty much where all the android work happens.
Well, I'm having a weird boot cycle issue I haven't figured out quite yet. I'm going to pull down the latest androidinstall.tgz you have up there, touch that up with the new files, and try again tomorrow. It might also have to do with switching the init.android to the one from our rootfs instead of the one from vogue's tinboot. That's what I get for making 15 changes at once and then testing instead of checking after each change