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Old 02-25-2011, 08:50 AM
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Originally Posted by fishingmedic
Originally Posted by ndno View Post
Hey fish, I've been trying to swap out the dialer without luck. I was trying to replace the Phone.apk and Contacts.apk and TelephonyProvider.apk in the system.ext2 but they seem to be dependent on other files in the system.ext2.

I tried replacing them with the Cyanogen dialer *.apks ([MOD] Contacts.apk & Phone.apk w/ 315x315 callerID ( Eclair 2.1, Froyo AOSP, CM )) but no luck either. I thought it would work since that link mentioned that the packages are compatible with Froyo 2.2.1 AOSP, on which FRX04 is based. It's probably not working because the apks are cross-compiled for another processor different than the one on our TP2.

Oh well, I'll stop for now until I get some time to work more on it.
I appreciate the attempt, but don't kill yourself!!

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
I'm not sure if there is a way to force roaming. Have you tried without your airave? A lot of people have reported issues using the airave - IIRC, the issue was with data only, voice was fine. So perhaps try disabling data when you're around the airave?
I have an airave which is voice/text only and I have an airvana which is voice/text/data, although I had nothing but problems with the airvana so I D/C'd that and went back to the airave without data, so... I'm not sure if that's the issue or not, although it very well may be just causing mass confusion with the radio, since it's not connecting to a cell tower and uses distant locations for weather, etc (always gives a location nowhere near my house, I live in CT but always shows NY or NJ on weather when I'm in range of the airave).
When getting weather via The airave data connection it uses info from the ip server that its hooked up to. Mine gives weather location as nyc but I'm 50miles away in long island when I have the phone set to "use my location". When I go outside out of airave range it gives me my actual reports based on my real location via local cell tower.
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