Originally Posted by joshts0
So what if your phone happens to break after they no longer have any of the TP2's in stock, and you have TEP? They may swap it then huh? I'm definitely not talking about doing anything illegal, I just mean I've ended up having mine swapped in the past to a newer version just because it happened to break in a way that was covered under TEP and it was swapped up to the next version.
Look man, Ive written threads about getting new device.... this ISNT going to happen.... if TP2 was E.O.L.'d even, there would still be replacements available now and again.. its an ongoing cycle.. turn it in, get a new device, the TP2 gets refurb'd and will get shipped to someone..
If you run into a situation where Sprint doesnt have the TP2 avilable, youll get offered blackberries basically, maybe a low end Android device.. thats it!
sorry, but itll never happen, doesnt matter if you try to scam or not.. itll never be given as a replacement for a TP2!