Originally Posted by natemcnutty
Thanks ACL. Not sure if you saw, but Jonpry caught why we have no data. pppd is no longer in /bin (and it isn't being referenced to either), and there are a couple other things like that stinebd caught as well. I'll be messing with this all day tomorrow. I'll put out some test stuff and if all goes well, we'll get that committed to bootenv 
ahh .. i have no service on my rhods so i never knew
Whatever you do, dont commit this to initrd. It just doesnt belong there. Like i said before android itself should have its own bin. So this can actually be applied via android update tarball.
So make a list of the good stuff. Damn stine and jonpry never mentioned anything to me..
Edit: actually there is a pppd in /system/bin . So we must reference that location.