Originally Posted by miz@r
thanks a lot for the great support.
It does not matter that the EVO is a bit old device compared to the shift and incredible?
What will be the reason that is more popular that new devices?
About the battery life? any coments? my old diamond just drain it like hell.
I will be happy if i can do the day with 1 full chanrge.
No it doesnt matter, the specs speak for themselve. There is also the Epic that is pretty good. However if you hold out and depending on your carrier there will be a bunch of new phones on the market this summer. Like the Thunderbolt from VZW, (evos little brother from HTC), the Thunderbolt comes with a better kickstand, and a speaker under the kick stand for better sound and comes pre packaged with a 32 gb sd card also has same processor speed but a newer generation processor and more ram i believe. But has a smaller battery.
If the Thunderbolt came to Sprint...Id get that in a second. But unless Sprint switches to LTE, (which they will someday) its not happening for me.
Battery life isnt the greatest on the EVO, but with custom roms and some tweaking it can go a day with moderate use.
Originally Posted by miz@r
I forgot can i sonfigue for fully use as the primary email acount my POP email in the EVO?
You can try to set it up, look