Re: [ROM] Myn’s Warm TwoPointTwo - [RLS 5 - 01/07/2011] - More Than Meets The Eye!
Myn's has a new release out called Warm Z TwoPointTwo - [RLS 1 - 02/23/2011] But it's base off of a gsm port that has Sense 2.0
The Yogurt:
New Sense 2.0 (much faster and optimized in comparison to Sense 1.0)
Full Landscape support with Sense
Tons more updated widgets
Full access to HTC Hub (Change Themes, Skins, Wallpapers, Ringtones, etc Easily)
Full sync\restore with Google Includes: apps from market, bookmarks, wallpapers, brightness setting, wifi passwords, you name it.(All restores with a google login)
Support for
Much More
The Sprinkles: htc-kernel@and18-2 #15
Rom Based on Super Z with Sense 2.0 UI (Thanks Wes342, Incdoes)
Warm twopointtwo Themed
Full Landscape Support with Proper Widget Layout (Thanks Wes342)
Full HTC Hub Support
Custom Warm Power Control Widgets (Thanks gmichaelow, JsChiSurf,)
Gingerbread Icons in Titlebar (Thanks geeserver)
Alternative languages removed for performance optimization (speed and space)
Added Nexus S Live Wallpaper (Thanks Wes342)
Updated Spare Parts
Updated Flash Player
Added Wifi Tether 2.0.6
Added Power Control Widgets Settings Application (Thanks JsChiSurf)
Added HTC Music with EMMC Support (Optional Install)(Thanks gmichaelow)
Added Tweak to increase sdcard read ahead buffer (Thanks frankoid and Calkulin)
Added MVPS Add-Free Host file eliminating advertisements
Added Support for Collin_Ph Battery Tweak
Added Enhanced Transitions/Animations
Added Warm Themed HTC_IME
Added support for ## Programming Codes (ex ##775#) (Available only while connected to WIFI connection)
Added Warm Themed Sexy Rosie
Added Custom HTC Wallpapers
Browser reflow disabled
Added 720P Camcorder support (Thanks ownhere and wdfowty)
Updated Market to 2.2.11
Added GingerBread shutdown animation
Sense (Rosie) right launcher button now configurable through new application, "Rosie Z Settings"
Added 4 Original Desire Z Skins
Added New Boot Animation (Thanks Chuck6993) (Preview)
Added Warm Dialer (Thanks DJZager)
Updated Rom Manager to ver.
Added Astro File Explorer
Added Iphone-Like Animations
Added Warm Z Data Governer Removal (Optional Install)
Added Older HTC Music App With EMMC Support And Z HTC Music Revert (Optional Installs)
Added Hulu App (Optional Install)
Added Task Manager Notifications (Recent App Dropdown) (Optional Install)
Added Transparent TitleBar (Optional Install)
Added Warm Themed OTA Swype (EVO)
Added Sprint Visual Voice Mail (EVO)
Added Verizon Visual Voice Mail (INC)
Added Support for Hardware 0004 Cameras (Thanks XxXViRuSXxX) (EVO)
And much more
Full Changelog / feature list can be found in post 3
Download Warm Z TwoPointTwo RLS1 (Mirror 1)
[MD5Sum: 1c4820b27f4602ea9156db4cae8e69a5]
Installation Instructions:
Download Rom
Reboot into Recovery.
Perform Nandroid backup
Minimally wipe dalvik and cache. For optimal experience, perform full wipe (data/dalvik/cache).
Flash rom
Other Optional Downloads:
(Flash these just like how you flash roms)
Transparent Titlebar
Data Governer Removal
Hulu (DO NOT update flash from market as it will overwrite mod to support Hulu) (screenshot)
Task Manager Notifications (Recent Apps Dropdown)
Stock Fonts
DarkStar/Coconut Fonts (screenshot)
Known Issues:
Dialpad Touch Tones *Fix* Set the tones to "off" or "long" in settings-->sound-->audible tones, for them to register.
No 4G
Warm Z TwoPointTwo also available for HTC Incredible here.
As always, I’m not responsible for anything that happens to your phone while using these files.
Team Warm - DJZager, incubus26jc, myn
Thanks to Calkulin, Chuck6993, frankoid, geeserver, gmichaelow, incdoes, JsChiSurf, lowetax, Mrono, NilsP, ownhere, Stoney666, wdfowty, Wes342, XxXViRuSXxX, All of the beta testers (you guys rock!) and
If I was able to provide a useful/helpful post, please click the  button.
Last edited by Sauske; 02-24-2011 at 02:06 AM.