Originally Posted by eric12341
you probly arent even getting a TV quality signal with that. if my b router doesn't support it then I'm sure that tethered TPs that u constantly brag about don't either.
I get standard Netflix quality.. its rare to see the "bandwidth error, connection slowed" message.. maybe 1 in every 10movies we play.. and its for all about 10seconds, the switches right back to the "good quality"..
as to the rest of your reply, read msg to tacotoy
Originally Posted by tacotoy
lol netflix over a 3g connection? how good does that work?
btw - hell of a name!! kudos for that one..
it works great.. enough so that roughly 20GBs out of my usual 80-100GBs/month is just because of using Netflix... mind you if you dont have great signal strength in your home/apt, YMMV...
sorry, i guess we're off topic