Here's a new CHT theme brought to us by XDA member "jsmccabe78". It's based off of the cht blue sk-i theme and calls it "Walls". Check it out below..
More Info can be found on the
Application Thread HERE
WALLs Concept
With the development of CHT 2.0 and CHT-Scheduler we have been able to install and save themes as easy as changing wallpapers. However, often the limitation it seems is these themes are set to three panels to fit the background image. Now, with Dunc001's SK-i theme/concept this limitation no longer applies and we can truly theme fully for CHT 2.0. My idea is to begin this idea; start with SK-i and see what happens. I guess this is a theme, but I am hoping for more of a concept - and a hope that others will follow suit! Hope you enjoy!
Before Installing Anything (Prerequisites)
WALLs is based on SK-i. So it goes without saying that you MUST have SK-i installed first. Find SK-i HERE. My cabs are simple and mainly skins (with some altered registry values.) They are not widgets/stand alone applications. So some simple things before installing any of my work:
1- Install SK-i as seen HERE - this is a must. Without this, my cabs will do nothing!
2- BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP!!! You can remove my cabs, and the original files are given, however best to back up. I would:
a- Using CHT-S do full Sense backup (always a good idea before installing other stuff...)
b- Using JMWD do a theme backup
1- First WALLs are up! (Feb 17 2011)
To do
1- Music / Media Wall
2- Lockscreen
WALLs Index
Post 1 - Concepts, Prerequisites, Announcements and To do List
Post 2 - WALLs version 1
Post 3 - Editing WALLs to fit your style
Post 4 - Reserved for future WALLs
Massive Thanks
Dunc and his background widgets! Rat for his amazing clock. To all the random artists and their icons. And to Anke-Art for his squeaky chalk font. And of course Co0kie and Michel Diamond for CHT and CHTS.