Here's CalcHd, a calculator app made by my friend "Kation" over @ XDA. Its actually pretty impressive the calculations this thing can handle!! Check it out below..
More Info can be found on the
Application Thread HERE
Update to 1.0.4071.34790 23th February 2011
- .Net Compact Framework 3.5
- Windows Mobile 6 or newer
- You can input a formula such as "√(5)×√(5)×5×(√(25)-1)", then calc will give you the result "=100".
- You can use function like "Sin、ArcCos、Ln".
- You also can use senior function like "Abs、Ceil、Floor、Round".
- More intelligent that you can not input a wrong formula like "5××5", "1.2.3"
- Humanized that when you input "5×" and then you press "÷", the formula will be "5÷".
- You can PASTE the result to FORMULA
- You can customize Sliding Sensitive by SlideDelay value in CalcConfig.xml
- You can customize Sliding Allowed Pixels by SlidePixels value in CalcConfig.xml
- You can OPEN Special % MODE in CalcConfig. Then the math rule will change. For example, 50-40%=30, 30+150%=75 etc. Default is CLOSE, change SpecialPercent value to 1 to open it.
- You can change the color for calc through "CalcConfig.xml".
Here is the content of "CalcConfig.xml":
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<BackColor>0 0 0</BackColor>
<FontColor>255 255 255</FontColor>
<NumButton>32 32 32</NumButton>
<FuncButton>80 80 80</FuncButton>
<EquButton>255 165 0</EquButton>
<ButtonDown>0 0 0</ButtonDown>
- You can change the value to change the color.
Update logo:
- Fix a problem about CPU computing error
- Fix a problem if DefaultUp set to 0
- New feature that you can set a default screen is up or down
- New feature that if you press a button in not default screen, it will slide to default
- New feature that CalcHD can
run on a not WVGA screen device
- Fix a problem about input operation
- New feature that you can customize button color when you press it
- Fix a problem about input operation
- Fix a problem about button touch slide
- New feature that you can
change font in CalcConfig.xml
- Fix a problem that calculator doesn`t round the value
- Fix a problem about "%" button
- Fix a problem about negative value
- New feature that
if there is no CalcConfig.xml,
CalcHD will create one automatic
- New feature that you can input
negative value like "-5" etc.
- Fix a problem about close bracket
- Fix a problem about max decimal get wrong if decimal seperator is not "."
- New feature that you can customize
Sliding Sensitive in CalcConfig.xml
- New feature that you can
- New feature that you can
clear RESULT ONLY by ContextMenu
- New feature that you can
OPEN Special % MODE in CalcConfig.xml
- Fix a problem that allow input number after a close bracket
- Fix a problem about math rule
- Fix a problem that
different areas using different decimal seperator
- Fix a problem about PI
- New feature that you can customize
Sliding Allowed Pixels in CalcConfig.xml
- New feature that calculator are
more intelligent and humanized
- Fix a problem about Character set of "%"
How can I run on a not WVGA device?
How can I change the location of button?
Please see this.