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Old 02-19-2011, 03:49 PM
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Re: Root Did Not Work

Originally Posted by omarjenkins View Post
I'm trying to root. Yes, I'm kind of a noob. I have a series of questions/problems:
1. I had no problems with the Unrevoked. My question is what did it do exactly? I remember when I had the TouchPro I had to flash a ROM to unlock it. Is that what this does?
2. I've tried downloading the files for a full root (;eng-PC36img; mtd-eng.img etc) and it won't download. A blank web page pops up. I did manage to get one to download, but upon completion, it terminated itself. I tried it again and opened it with WinZip, then it terminated itself. PLEASE HELP!!!! I WANT TO ROOT!!!!
if you want to root and u ran unrevoked you are fully rooted...all the links that are bringing up blank web pages you have to right click on the links and hit save targets as or open in new tab and they will download. As far as the root you are done but it has just unlocked your phone and you know have the ability to pick any rom off of here or xda and flash the one of your chosing.
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