Originally Posted by raiderfan247365
Not vibrating? that's no bueno, i know it did when i tested it, try finding the ring fix .cab and install it. Yes having 7000 txt will cripple the speed of your phone, dont know why but it does.
I have the same issue. No vibrate. Just downloaded from the recently updated link
96 version
Okay, so im not sure how the heck this thing worked, but it did. Vibrate now working:
I googled vribrate issues with treo Pro and came across a post in another forum.
The guy's fix was to call the phone, and as soon as you see the called ID come up, you shake the phone..I even gave it a a little love tap..lol
And the damn thing worked!
Called it again and worked.
soft reset and worked
ill post if any failures (HOPEFULLY NOT)
Mr Raider.
Thank You for the Rom. Love it. now the wifey can stop bugging me about a new phone..hahah