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Old 02-18-2011, 01:48 PM
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Re: Got turned away from Sprint today for being Rooted

Originally Posted by lefty11 View Post
Originally Posted by thacounty View Post
If your car was made by Ford, you take it to Ford for warranty work. If it isn't a certified dealer that is working on it you can void the warranty of your vehicle.

If you buy something from a store that goes out of return policy, they don't have to take it back, no matter how much you really want them too. I'm not saying they're right for this, but that's how it is. They can tell you that you can call the manufacturer which is the company who will be dealing with their own warranties.
I said you don't take the car to Detroit where it was manufactured. You take it to an authorized Ford warranty repair center. Thanks The point I was trying to make was it just is not right for a company to sell a product (yes Sprint sold most of the EVOS) and yes I understand Best Buy and Radio Shack sell them too, that is made SPECIFICALLY for them , put their name on it , tell you it has a full one year warranty , and then charge you a fee to even look at it when it is only a few months old , even though they sold it , put their name on it , and tell you to bring it to their authorized repair facility . They could at least void the fee if it is found to be a warrantied problem. You actually make my point for me. I buy a phone from Sprint , buy Sprint Service , I do not drive to Kansas City to have a warrantied problem fixed, I take it to the nearest authorized( in this case for an analogy of your statement) or "certified" Sprint repair facility . When you have a car under FULL warranty (which is basically what a two month old EVO is) you do not pay a certified dealer a deductible . That comes when the product hits a limited warranty stage. Yes , i realize that is how Sprint is handling things now, and no, it isnt right, but that does not mean people have to roll over and take it.

To the other issue, most stores(not all) will take back, exchange, refund, give store credit on defective items bought at that store with proof. there are exceptions, but these stores generally are not selling a product made specifically for them with their name stamped all across it that you are "committed to by contract " for two years . This does not include large things such as refigerators, etc. They actually come to your house at no charge to fix a problem that is under full warranty. I bought a phone made for Sprint by HTC . I didn't just buy an HTC phone and that's where the difference lies. They make you sign a two year contract, sell you a phone made specifically for them for $599 or whatever discount you may have gotten, tell you that you have to pay a premium data charge with that phone , and you are stuck with them for 2 years. Now maybe to some people you think having to send your phone to HTC for two weeks down time is acceptable for getting a defective unit that acts up 45 days after you buy it, UNLESS you pay Sprint a fee to "look" at and determine if its defective or customer abuse. BS, buddy!!!! Charge the fee if its customer abuse , but dont extort money for "looking" at a phone and saying "yes, we are gonna have to exchange (or fix minor problems) . Probably the comment coming from the arrogant sprint service tech mentioned in so many different threads on the site.

And to your comment that a store can tell you to deal with manufacturer... why, of course they can, but most do not, and there is business and common sense being put to use . Just because something can be done legally, does not make it right. IMHO, if Sprint wants to market the phone as a Sprint HTC EVo, then fine, but when you put your name on it , you basically take ownership. Does Sprint tell you to send your phone to Android(Google) when you have software issues? No, they try fixing it and/or hard resets.

In today's times when people spend huge amounts on devices they use for livelihood and other very important reasons in life, they may not be able to go two weeks without communications just to send a 600 dollar phone with a inoperable power button that is 45 days out of the box that Sprint sent to them , and gets a nice little monthly check for over 200.00 on a regular basis.

We do not have to be extreme on every issue but there is common sense, and we , as AMericans do not have to roll over and get A$&#^^ED because someone tells us we do.

This will never be resolved . Some people here just seem to think it is ok to sell an item, and not stand behind it even when it is custom made for them , sold by them, apparently serviced under warranty for a 35 dollar deductible that's not called a deductible , and then fade the heat back to the guy who made it for them. HTC definitely should fix issues as the maker but if you do not think Sprint has an advance negotiated deal with HTC on having stock available for swaps and what not, then you are kidding yourself. Most companies that sell items, take them back because they have an RA process worked out with the manufacturer that allows them to do this at local levels so their important customers do not have to be so inconvenienced as to have to send things back to manufactures. Just think if every company operated like this...... Sorry ma'am , you dont like the picture on your TV, please cal the TV maker, please call the cable company , and also , please call the maker of those bad cables you bought from Radio Shack and then send them all back and they can be fixed....I don't think so.. If you do not agree, that is fine. I just do not believe in being extorted for an unnecessary fee , I already haveanough of those i pay on my monthly bill. RANT OVER
I can see that your main idea is to make me look stupid in this situation which is kind of funny, because to be honest, I don't care how much you pay for your warranty claim. No you shouldn't have to pay for it, but that's not even how this thread started. Let me explain my point again. There is a Ford dealership here called Hunt's Ford. If I buy a truck from them, I don't go see them specifically and complain to them that I have a warranty problem. I go to a certified "Ford" dealership. I can go see them, but they will probably charge me to look at my truck just like any other Ford dealer. I accept that, while parts will be free, I'm not sure about labor, Ford might pay them back they might not. This truck was made specifically for this dealership, on the back theres even a sticker that says Hunt's Ford on it, but its not them that made the truck.

If you don't want to pay the fee, ask what the ETF is, show them that you can Term and you can do it for only a little more than if your phone messed up a couple more times. They don't want you to leave. The way I deal with this, I call Sprint. I tell them I can't drive an hour to a store and I need a new phone. They send one out and have me send mine back.

I understand what you are saying, but you went too far with the point. You are saying that I should go complain to the company in China that made my TV inputs when my TV will not accept an input, nope, I go to Panasonic.

Bro, you pay 200!!?? For 1 phone?!?! Man no wonder they won't help you, you are gullible, they added some fluff to that account. Even if you have insurance with the $10 fee, 99 + 10 + 8, 117 plus tax. That's not 200.

I know that companies can send so many back, I work for one. We have a limited number we can send back per month. If we send more, we get charged. Less doesn't make any difference. And if you got a tv 6 months ago, and you didn't get a service plan on it from the store you bought it from, I can almost guarantee you that they are going to tell you to call a TV repairman, or call the company that makes the TV.

You seem to think that I like paying 35 dollars to have my phone looked at. I do not. I will not, I will continue to call Sprint. But complaining on here doesn't make any difference. You want to change something, call Sprint. Tell them that you heard Verizon doesn't charge this, so you may be looking to check them out.
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