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Old 02-16-2011, 07:33 PM
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Re: Nokia says NO to google ! And says YES to Windows phone

Originally Posted by rrjskj View Post
i agree but where is the supply and demand in that when they are refusing nokia's wp7 product that's not getting in the game at all that's hindering wp7 proccess .
What benefit does Verizon get if WP7 succeeds? Their goal is not to give users choice..their goal is to get as many sales and profit for themselves..

i also agree that when wp7 starts selling more vzw will kicking themselves saying damn we wish we would have went with it when we had the chance
Thats why they plan on offering 1..but beyond that is another story..once they see demand go up they can easily get more devices made..WP7 is not booming over if a change like that happens they can adapt fairly quickly..

...and gten i agree with ur above statement but at the same time vzw kinda needs to pull their heads out of one anothers rears and think about it these wp7 devices aren't the same as the kin 1 and kin 2 i would say that it has evolved alot wouldn't you say so ???
Um..did you read the entire kin story? it wasn't pretty...effectively Verizon and M$ both lost million of dollars..and ended up being ticked at each other...

to summarize..M$ and Verizon signed a contract years go to carry the kin, Verizon in return was suppose to make cheap data plans exclusive to the kin..the head of WP7 division did not like the kin, so he convinced M$ to force the kin people to rewrite the entire thing from scratch based on CE kernel..this delayed the release of the kin by 18 month..once it came to, Verizon got pissed M$ took so long as they lost a lot of money waiting and just released the kin with no discounted data plan..aka Verizon didnt want the kin to sell, they just wanted it over which M$ wasn't too happy and ended up discontinuing it..

so as you can see Verizon has plenty of reason not to want WP7 to progress..
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