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Old 02-16-2011, 07:10 PM
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Re: Verizon: We dont need Nokia/Windows Phone

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Let me make an example, the Fascinate they forced Bing and Verizon Navigator onto consumers..they can't do that with WP7 and with the iPhone..

They are not "tempting people" to buy it, they are just picking up the ones who want it, if they see people interested they will sell more phones..but right now sales for WP7 is not very good...(at least in comparison to other platforms), so they really have no reason to try to be competitive in it..if they didn't get the iphone it would be different..but considering they got the Droid series and the iphone they are very solid in their lineup if you think about it compared to the competition they are in a REALLY good position...

AT&T on the other had was easy to get as they are desperate to fill in their line up...hence you saw them take like 3-4 WP7 devices and announcing a bunch of Android phones..

There is 0 advantage for Verizon to push WP7 at this point...carry it yes, push unlikely..they even carry WebOs phones if you think about it but they are not pushing it since they don't really need to...

i see where your going with this and i agree .. but this isn't at&t here bud .. and for vzw to say no man we don't want any part of nokia or wp7 that made no sense long run for them maybe i guess time will tell but it's kinda odd they said no to it but then in the same token they say YAY we are getting a wp7 device just not nokia and that they don't see what the point is to carry another phone developer where does it stop u can have people lined up around the corner and back waiting and wanting a wp7 device of any kind that works for a certain person or persons who to say htc is the phone for that one person or persons .. and to openly say no we don't think so how is that a reflection on what people want as to guessing what they want .. and back to the bloatware is bing being and vzw navi being considered as bloatware??
slappin the thanks button

Last edited by rrjskj; 02-16-2011 at 07:16 PM.