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Old 02-16-2011, 06:55 PM
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Re: Verizon: We dont need Nokia/Windows Phone

Originally Posted by rrjskj View Post
ok but honestly whats the point your gonna find bloatware anywhere u look ur not gonna be able to avoid it forever even if it's customizible ..and that's fine vzw can do whatever it wants i'm just saying what's the point of even putting out a wp7 device if the end result is ur gonna do it to tempt people to buyin it to endgame it and say their not gonna carry em .. i guess that's what i'm taken away from what the report had said maybe i'm wrong but thats still aiming for wp7 to fail
Let me make an example, the Fascinate they forced Bing and Verizon Navigator onto consumers..they can't do that with WP7 and with the iPhone..

They are not "tempting people" to buy it, they are just picking up the ones who want it, if they see people interested they will sell more phones..but right now sales for WP7 is not very good...(at least in comparison to other platforms), so they really have no reason to try to be competitive in it..if they didn't get the iphone it would be different..but considering they got the Droid series and the iphone they are very solid in their lineup if you think about it compared to the competition they are in a REALLY good position...

AT&T on the other had was easy to get as they are desperate to fill in their line up...hence you saw them take like 3-4 WP7 devices and announcing a bunch of Android phones..

There is 0 advantage for Verizon to push WP7 at this point...carry it yes, push unlikely..they even carry WebOs phones if you think about it but they are not pushing it since they don't really need to...
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