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Old 02-16-2011, 06:30 PM
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Re: Nokia says NO to google ! And says YES to Windows phone

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
well it's supply and demand, they are going to offer the phones that customers want, if WP7 succeeds then VZW will carry it, that's all there is to it.
i agree but where is the supply and demand in that when they are refusing nokia's wp7 product that's not getting in the game at all that's hindering wp7 proccess . i also agree that when wp7 starts selling more vzw will kicking themselves saying damn we wish we would have went with it when we had the chance ...and gten i agree with ur above statement but at the same time vzw kinda needs to pull their heads out of one anothers rears and think about it these wp7 devices aren't the same as the kin 1 and kin 2 i would say that it has evolved alot wouldn't you say so ???
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